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Macao LRT travelling tips

  • Released date:09-12-2019

    【On Platform】


    Please queue up and let other passengers alight first before boarding. While the train door is closing, do not rush in.

  • 【In Paid Area】


    Please remember that drinking and eating is not allowed in the paid area and trains, and always keep the cabins and stations clean.

  • 【In LRT】


    Always hold the handrail and do not lean on it.

    Move into the centre of the train compartment.

  • 【On Escalator】


    Stand clear of the edge of escalator.

    Take extra care of children and the elderly.

  • Kindly be reminded to stand still and hold the handrail, and not to keep your eyes on the phones.

    Please use the lift when traveling with bulky items.

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